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Managing invitation rules through Ad-server
Anastasiia Serebrianska avatar
Written by Anastasiia Serebrianska
Updated over a week ago

You may want more flexibility during making decision if user needs to be invited to UserReport survey. There are few scenarios when it is applicable:

  • You run another overlay tool and you want to avoid invitation clash

  • You want to decide when users needs to be invited

  • You want to decide who needs to be invited

It is easy to achieve:

  • Ask your account manager to turn-off default invitation behavior. Now, users will be not invited unless you call JavaScript API to invite user

window.audienceProjectLayer = window.audienceProjectLayer || [];

  • It is recommended to set invitation frequency to 100% to make sure that user will be invited when you call this JavaScript API

  • Deploy invitation invoke code through Ad-server using Custom HTML creative type delivered in Friendly iFrame.

Creative code is

(function(w) {
w.audienceProjectLayer = w.audienceProjectLayer || [];
})( || ||;

In case you can not deploy creative in Friendly iFrame, then you should use following creative


Ignoring global quarantine

By default we try to not disturb user often with invitation overlay if user recently interacted with it on current website or any other website that runs UserReport. However when managing invitation policy yourself you can choose to ignore global quarantine. So if user interacted with UserReport invitiation on other websites recently user will have a chance to be invited, based on invitation frequency. Local quarantine is still applied.

Creative code for Friendly iFrame is

(function(w) {
w.audienceProjectLayer = w.audienceProjectLayer || [];
w.audienceProjectLayer.push(['attemptToInvite', { "ignoreGQ": true }]);
})( || ||;

For the Safe iFrame creative is

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